
Einträge in Erboristeria

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  • Morning sun: In the summer the wall gets some sun in the morning. During autumn, winter and spring it basically never sees any sun. In sector Alta the routes below 7a are just as beautiful as the harder routes. The approach to Alta is along fix lines, Bassa is easier to reach.
  • With Kids: At the right there is some space at the base of the wall to play for kids. The left part is no go for kids!
Central section of wall, accessible by walking to the left end of Bassa and dropping down fixed rope

Central section of wall, accessible by walking to the left end of Bassa and dropping down fixed ropes. Least popular area of Erboristeria.

7a Unnamed1
7a Unnamed2

Climbs the previous then branches out R.


No help I know. Please update as info becomes available. These were bolted in 2018 and the 2023 guide still didn't have info.

7a+ Maracuya
7b+ Catuba
7b Stevia
7b+ Cerimoia
8a Non Cambi Mai
6b+ Acay

Same start as previous, but goes R. Presumably to a low anchor and there's an extension marked above this. No info.

Routes listed L to R.

Routes listed L to R.

8a Digitale

Trending way L off L end of the ledge.

7c Ganoderma

Climbs Cren then breaks out L.

8a Cren
7c+ Dulcamara
6b Linaria
8b Anice Stellato

This is the extension of the 7a.

7a Anice
7a Echinacea
8a+ Canapa

Starts easily up Nepenta, then in the steep section, goes directly up where Nepenta goes R.

8a Nepenta

Easy to get bamboozed in the steepness because Canapa climbs this line then directly up. This goes R to a bolt you can't see until you're there. Big drilled pocket, then the crux moving through the lip.

7c+ Acapantos
7c+ Cicuta
8a+ Stramonio ex22
8a Aloe
8b Aloe Vera

The extension.

8a Muira Puana
7c Ginkobiloba
8b+ Space Shuttle

Extension to Ginko.

6c+ Ignatia
7a+ Bella Donna
7c+ Guarrana
7c+ Rhodiola
8b Rhodiola Rosea

The extension.

7c+ Kalmia
8c Kalmiamoci

Extension of Kalmia through roof.

9a/a+ Narcissus

Climbs Kalmia to the roof then blasts L to finish on Space Shuttle.

7c Kerria
7b+ Cuscuta
7a Scilla
7b Skimmia
7b Malva
6c+ Menta
7a Hebe
7b+ Alisso
8a Cicoria
8a Yucca
8a Zenzero
7c Altea
7a Potos
6c+ Assenzio
6b+ Fucus
6b+ Camomilla
6a Unnamed

The left side of the Erboristeria sector. Awesome 30m+ pitches.

PITCHES LISTED AS 30m MAY BE LONGER THAN 30m - tie a stopper knot! 70m rope preferred.

With Kids: Very limited space at the base and a high risk of falling makes this sector absolutely no go for kids.

7a Karkade
6a+ Arnica
6b+ Timo
6a Serpillo
6a+ Cinnamon
6c+ Brionia
7a Cumino
6b Curcuma
6b+ Henne'
6c Farfara
6b Verbena
6c Ginseng
6c Tormentilla
7a+ Mirra
7a Artemisia
7b+ Senna
7c Cascara
7c+ Vulneraria
7c+ Lavanda
7b Yerba mate
7b+/c China rossa
8a Cola
8b Pepper line
8b Nuovi aromi
8b Chay
8a+ Cardamomo
7b+ Gramigna

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