
Belly Button Slab

  • Bewertungskontext: SA
  • Begehungen: 78




Tall, mostly featureless but not-too-steep slab off to the right of Bretagne.

Einschränk. übernommen von Paarl Rock

The Paarl Rocks are about 60 km north of Cape Town. From Cape Town drive north along the N1, and turn off at Paarl. Look carefully for the sign to the Paarl Rocks Mountain Reserve (it is easy to miss).


From the upper parking, pass through the cave formed by the big boulders then follow the trail out the other side.


Looks walkable off climber's left. There are double-ring-bolts for 3 raps (should be fine on 1x60m) from the end of Gecko/Belly Button Brigade, and it is an easy traverse to this anchor from the top of Dyke.


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1 9 30m
2 10 25m
3 9 25m

Start about 30m left of the Scramble.

  1. Scramble up the left-hand edge of the bushy slabs and boulders to a plateau. Walk up to the Splitter Gully where a precariously jammed flake can be seen.

  2. Move up the wall and traverse the large flake to belay near the summit.

Erstbegehung: P. Morris, G. Euinton & James Marchant, 1972

1 16 R 33m
2 16 50m

Solo. No bolts. Start to the left of Gecko, on top a grouping of rocks.

  1. Climb the slab straight up towards a distinct crack / flake after 15m join Dyke's 2nd pitch (ignore bolts) which leads up to the large plateau above.

  2. Climb the furthermost crack to the right (the easy recess just to the right is the "Gordon's Rock Scramble") to a ledge, on past a tree and up slabs to the summit.

Troll and Dyke overlap for Dykes 2nd pitch.

Erstbegehung: James Marchant, 1970

1 15 40m
2 12 30m

Starts left of Dyke, but crosses shortly after the start.

  1. 8 bolts

  2. 3 bolts

Erstbegehung: Josef Mayer, 2004

1 15 40m
2 13 35m

The obvious left-leaning dyke.

  1. 7 bolts and chains

  2. 3 bolts and chains

Erstbegehung: James Marchant, 1970

Erstbegehung: Josef Mayer, 1992

Sanierung: Josef Mayer, 2004

1 17 25m
2 14 25m
3 12 25m

Green hangars.

  1. 6 bolts

  2. 4 bolts

  3. 3 bolts

Erstbegehung: B. Mayer & Josef Mayer, 2008

Solo, no protection. Take off from a rock 4m to the right of Dyke. Climb up to a crack / flake and continue straight up to the top. An easier variation moves out slightly left from the flake.

Erstbegehung: Scott Noy & Stewart Noy, 2004

1 15 30m
2 13 40m

First pitch ends at the button.

  1. 8 bolts

  2. 7 bolts

Erstbegehung: John Terblanche, 2000

Partially bolted. Climbs the slab right of Belly Button Brigade, with two bolts protecting the steeper rock lower down and continuing unprotected to the top. Start a little ways up the gully or your belayer will run out of rope near the top.

Erstbegehung: Stewart Noy, 2004

1 11 25m
2 16 35m

Solo. No bolts.

Just right of a small wooded gully there is a very easy looking slab.

  1. Climb the slab past a tree to the top of the block. Step off the block (possible walk-off).

  2. On the left close to the block, near a patch of black rock, is a little edge; using the edge continue straight up.

Erstbegehung: Stewart Noy, 2004

1 12 30m
2 10 15m
  1. 6 bolts

  2. 3 bolts

Erstbegehung: M. Mayer, B. Mayer & Josef Mayer, 2006

1 8 30m
2 20 25m
3 10 40m
  1. 2 bolts

  2. 6 bolts

  3. 4 bolts

Erstbegehung: P. Lochner, Mike Scott & Josef Mayer, 2006

1 8 30m
2 10 20m
3 11 20m
4 10 25m
  1. 2 bolts

  2. 4 bolts

  3. 4 bolts

  4. 3 bolts

Erstbegehung: Josef Mayer & Mike Scott, 2006

1 12 5m
2 12 45m

Start 5m right of the large Splitter Gully.

  1. Follow the leaning crack to a small ledge.

  2. Continue up the easy slab to the top.

Erstbegehung: Gabriel Athiros & James Marchant, 1969

Start 15m to the right of the large Splitter Gully. Climb the chimney up to a ledge, and follow a large crack / recess to the top.

Erstbegehung: Gabriel Athiros & James Marchant, 1969

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