
Hidden By Day Wall

  • Bewertungskontext: SA

Einschränk. übernommen von Paarl Rock

The Paarl Rocks are about 60 km north of Cape Town. From Cape Town drive north along the N1, and turn off at Paarl. Look carefully for the sign to the Paarl Rocks Mountain Reserve (it is easy to miss).


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Old bolts!

The first not so nice looking crack system. Chains at the top.

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Samson, 1989

Old bolts!

Climb the crack and then past three bolts on a pockety face

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Samson, 1989

Old bolts!

Climb the crack and then the scoop to chains.

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Colenso, 1989

Open project (old bolts). Climb the arête on the right.

To access the upper lines, either climb Purple Puppy or abseil in from the top.

Access by climbing Purple Puppy or by abseiling from the top. Old bolts!

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Samson & Jeremy Colenso, 1989

Access by climbing Purple Puppy or by abseiling from the top. Old bolts!

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Samson & Jeremy Colenso, 1989

Access by climbing Purple Puppy or by abseiling from the top. Old bolts!

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Samson & Jeremy Colenso, 1989

Access by climbing Purple Puppy or by abseiling from the top. Old bolts!

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Samson & Jeremy Colenso, 1989

Access by climbing Purple Puppy or by abseiling from the top. Old bolts!

Erstbegehung: Jeremy Samson & Jeremy Colenso, 1989

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