
Ascents in Wörgl-Kufstein having Beta

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 208 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Thu 27th Jun 2024 - Tomseibeach
6c+ 12er - with Oskar Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Ziemlich harter Zug zwischen 2 und 3 Exe für den Grad. Dann Ausdauer und oben nochmal nen rausschmeißer an einem Sloper bei warmen Temperaturen.

Wed 26th Jun 2024 - Tomseibeach
5b High 5 - with Oskar Sport 8m, 5 Good
Schöne aufwärmroute, aber leider sehr staubig!

Sat 22nd Jun 2024 - Morsbach
Rechter Teil
7+ Moritz Sport 20m Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Without rocks on the right side bottom. Than much harder entry boulder compared to using them. I believe the grade given to this route, only fits in case done like this. Strong fingers required. After hard entry relaxing until top.

7+ Moritz Sport 20m Very Good
Martin Jurreit
2nd try without bottom right rocks

Sat 22nd Jun 2024 - Tomseibeach
7a+ Spektakulär — 3 attempts Sport 18m, 7 Classic
Martin Busch
Sehr schöne Tour. Schwierige Stelle beim 3. -4. Haken. Dann wieder einfacher

Wed 5th Jun 2024 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7+ Tollwood Sport 20m, 10 Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Nur Einstieg dann auf Via Agela gewechselt

Wed 5th Jun 2024 - Morsbach
Rechter Teil
7+ Moritz Sport 20m Very Good
Martin Jurreit
1st try without bottom right rocks

Sun 2nd Jun 2024 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
9- Hard Zauberlehrling - with Klara R Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Climbed it for warm-up today. This time a proper redpoint with putting in all the quickdraws. At the anchor, I was extremely pumped and had to wait two minutes for my arms to relax.

9+ Metallica — 3 attempts - with Klara R Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
The conditions were much better than expected - in fact, maybe the best conditions we've had in Sparchen. Despite the rain on the previous days, most of the routes were dry, humidity wasn't too high and the temperature was perfect for climbing. I could hold the small polished crimps better than last time and climbed the crux from the ground on my third try. I had underestimated the upper part a bit and was extremely pumped by the time I reached the anchor, but I did not fall, luckily.

Tue 14th May 2024 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
5c ~6a Po-Ebene (alternate start) - with Tom J. Sport

Sun 5th May 2024 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
9- Hard Zauberlehrling — 2 attempts Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Finally sent it.

9+ Metallica — 2 attempts Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Very nice route on small crimps, apart from the section from the third to fourth bolt not even that hard. I onsighted the part up to the third bolt immediately below the crux, could not climb the crux, and then climbed the upper part with one rest. On my second try, it was hotter, my skin was thinner and I just slipped off the holds, so I decided to stop trying. The first bolt is very high, though. The climbing was also not so hard, but it definitely felt a bit uncomfortable.

Sun 28th Apr 2024 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7 Idefix Sport Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Einstieg über Tollwood

7 Idefix Sport Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Einstieg über Tollwood

Mon 15th Apr 2024 - Grattenbergl
3 Riss der Kranken Sport 25m, 13
Lucky Tom
Viel Seilreibung. Ablassen und Exen aushängen etwas komisch

6- ~6 Kante — 2 attempts Sport 15m
Lucky Tom
Sehr abgeschmiert

Sun 14th Apr 2024 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
7- Hubert-Aicher-Gedenkweg Sport 30m, 8
Jan Gosmann
Only to the anchor at the ledge because climber's were on the routes to the left that are crossed by this route.

6- Verschneidung Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Jan Gosmann
Very nice route, but unfortunately very polished.

Sun 7th Apr 2024 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7 Po-Ebene Sport 20m, 5
Martin Jurreit
Beim Bauch gehangen

Sun 7th Apr 2024 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
7- Hubert-Aicher-Gedenkweg Sport 30m, 8
Martin Jurreit
Nur Ausstieg

7 Shebel Sheik Sport 25m, 9 Classic
Martin Jurreit
Nur Einstieg oben links ausgewichen

Sat 23rd Mar 2024 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
9- Hard Zauberlehrling — 2 attempts - with Klara R Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Should have climbed it while putting up the quickdraws (2 were already in place). All moves up to the last one were very solid, but then I hesitated a bit too much as I wasn't sure where exactly the good part of the edge was, so I fell again at the last move. In my second attempt, my fingers became colder and colder and I could barely hold the good sideclings in the upper part anymore. I fell again at the last move, but this time there was no chance at all of sticking it.

10- Tequila - with Klara R Sport 20m Very Good
Fabian Michel
First hard move is already at the first bolt when you only have very few footholds, and the available footholds are very polished. I couldn't do the move to the good sidecling on the right. It's easier afterwards up to the third bolt. The crux is probably from third to fourth bolt, where the good footholds are too low to be useful and where the handholds are not so good either. I also skipped the move to the good hold at the fourth draw which is quite far up to the left. From then one, it gets easier, even though I skipped another move to the fifth bolt. From fifth bolt to the top, the holds are larger and more incut.

Wed 20th Mar 2024 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
7- Hubert-Aicher-Gedenkweg Sport 30m, 8
Martin Jurreit
Nur Ausstieg, Zustieg über Cinderella

5+ Cinderella Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Zusammen gehängt mit Shebel Sheik / Ausstieg Gedenkweg

Wed 20th Mar 2024 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7 Po-Ebene Sport 20m, 5
Martin Jurreit
2x versuch nochmal beim Bauch gehangen

7 Po-Ebene Sport 20m, 5
Martin Jurreit
Bauch Ausstieg diesmal gehangen

Wed 20th Mar 2024 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
7 Shebel Sheik Sport 25m, 9 Classic
Martin Jurreit
Ausstieg über Gedenkweg/ Einstieg über Cinderella

Sat 9th Mar 2024 - Geisterschmiedwand
7c Feuervogel Sport 30m, 13
Mariella Stradiva

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7 Hard Po-Ebene - with Gwen Sport 20m, 5 Very Good
Starttritte speckig

6- Mug - with Gwen Sport 18m, 7 Mega Classic
Sanduhr jug kurz vorm Ende

Sun 4th Feb 2024 - Grattenbergl
7- Direkte Kante Sport 32m Very Good
Martin Jurreit
An der Schlüsselstelle etwas weiterer Hackenabstand. Deswegen Expresschlingen vorgehängt diesmal nicht verlängert.

Sun 28th Jan 2024 - Grattenbergl
7- Direkte Kante Sport 32m Very Good
Martin Jurreit
An der Schlüsselstelle etwas weiterer Hackenabstand. Deswegen Expresschlingen vorgehängt und verlängert.

Sat 30th Dec 2023 - Geisterschmiedwand
7b Blaue Rose - with Fabian Michel Sport 50m, 14 Very Good
Klara R
die ersten 3 Exen habe ich mich ziemlich stark über die nassen Stellen gezogen. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich das trocken klettern könnte. Aber super schön. Über der 4ten Exe dann höchstens 8 und drüber 8- aber sau schön

7a+ Fischdose - with Fabian Michel Sport 35m, 15 Classic
Klara R
Super schöne Züge, eher dynamisch und weit aber nicht zu schwer. Der Einstieg war super nass, da habe ich mich an der Exe hochgezogen. An der 5ten Exe mit links an die link auffällige Leiste ziehen und dann weit hoch verlänger an das was so aussieht wie ein seitgriff. Der ist überraschend gut. An der vorletzten Exe dann weit rechts halten da sind gute Seitgriffe .

7b Blaue Rose P1 - with Klara R
1 7b 30m Sport
Sport 30m, 14 Classic
Fabian Michel
I skipped most of the lower (harder) part because this part of the wall was in the shade and my fingers were quite cold. Quite a few holds were also wet. The upper part, however, was in the sun and completely dry, and very nice to climb (but a bit easier, maybe 7a or 6c).

7a+ Fischdose P1 - with Klara R
1 7a+ 20m Sport
Sport 20m, 15 Classic
Fabian Michel
One of the few routes which were dry enough to climb today, but some holds were still wet. Slipped off a wet hold with no feeling in the cold fingers in the lower part. However, the upper part is really not so easy to read and I had almost completely forgotten what I did last time, so I'm not sure if I could have climbed it first try today.

Sun 10th Dec 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Fred vom Jupiter
9- Schmalzlauser - with Fabian Michel Sport 15m
Klara R
Zu kalt heute. Aber zumindest trocken trotz Schmelzwasser.

9 Vatertag - with Klara R Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Did all the moves, but I have to spend a little more time on the beta before being able to send this. Crux section for three draws with open holds in an overhanging wall.

Sun 10th Dec 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
10- Tequila - with Klara R Sport 20m
Fabian Michel
Even this part of the wall can get wet, after all. Did the moves up to to the third draw, the route was wet starting from just before the fourth draw. Since the part from the third to the fourth draw also seems to be quite hard, judging from how others climbed it, I decided to stop trying there.

Sun 29th Oct 2023 - Grattenbergl
6+ Riss der Kranken Variante Sport 30m Very Good
Basti Drumherum
Immer wieder schön.

6- Kante Sport 15m
Basti Drumherum
Gleich am Anfang recht speckig, danach besser. Seilreibung.

Sat 21st Oct 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
6+ Via Kubert - with Fabian Michel Sport 18m Very Good
Klara R
Very nice warm up

8- U2 - with Fabian Michel Sport 20m Very Good
Klara R
Feels a little harder than Die Schlinge because of very polished footholds. But very nice!! After fourth quickdraw stay right the small looking undercling is very good for left. At the top traverse right with the feet and bump up with right hand very far right where it looks like there might be a ledge (there is one but you cannot really see it from below)

9- Zauberlehrling — 2 attempts - with Fabian Michel Sport 20m Classic
Klara R
Remember after third quickdraw to put left foot a tiny bit under right foot. Then side pull on the right. Before jug on the right take crimp on the left. Then right hand to good crimp. Left hand to side pull. Foot up high left the highest possible. Then go dynamically to jug.

9- Zauberlehrling - with Fabian Michel Sport 20m Classic
Klara R
Too weak today and too scared to clip the fourth quick draw 🌶️

9- Hard Zauberlehrling — 3 attempts - with Klara R Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Felt harder than Drunk as a Skunk today with all the polished footholds. One try to remember the moves and then two tries falling at the last move with two different betas.

Sat 21st Oct 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Fred vom Jupiter
9+ Easy Drunk as a Skunk — 2 attempts - with Klara R Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
One try to remember the moves, sent it second try. Did not feel very hard today.

Sat 7th Oct 2023 - Morsbach
Rechter Teil
7+ Moritz Sport 20m
Martin Jurreit
Rocks right side bottom used. Makes the route esier 7-/7?

Mon 2nd Oct 2023 - Geisterschmiedwand
9a+ Qui Sport 30m
Jakob Schubert
So cool to finally send this one, such a legendary route (FA in 1996 by Stefan Fürst) Last year one hold in the crux would just never dry up but this season it was finally all dry and I was able to do it in my 2nd try (this year).

Wed 23rd Aug 2023 - Grattenbergl
5- Peter Sport 20m Very Good
schöne lange, unspektakuläre Route

Sun 30th Jul 2023 - Geisterschmiedwand
6c Brigitte P1 - with Klara R
1 6c 10m Sport
Sport 10m Average
Fabian Michel
If we did indeed the first pitch of Brigitte, then it's not worth only doing the first pitch. There was about one hard crux move and the rock also wasn't solid everywhere.

7c ~7c+ Feuervogel - with Klara R Sport 30m, 13 Classic
Fabian Michel
Again amazing rock and amazing limestone-atypical diagonal cracks in the upper part. Felt very hard though.

8a Easy Kalypso - with Klara R, Frithjof Winkelmann Sport 35m Mega Classic
Fabian Michel
Amazing rock quality throughout the route. Difficult in the first half, the second half is really fun, maybe 7a, on diagonal cracks with mostly good holds. The hard part starts (for me) with a high right foot and a left foot far out to the left to reach a sloping sidepull with the left which is okay when you put your thumb on top. After putting up the right foot, you can put the right middle finger into a mono which is quite deep. You then reach to a sidepull/undercling which you can pinch with the left, put the right foot up and the left on the sloper where your left hand was before. Then comes a reachy move to a good edge above the bulge. After matching and some feet shuffling you cross over on the good hold in order to put the right hand as far left as possible. Left hand up to crimp, right heelhook to hand, bump left foot and shift your weight over the heelhook to reach a crimp with the right. The traverse to the right further up was easiest for me with a toehook on the left.

6c Brigitte P1 - with Fabian Michel
1 6c 10m Sport
Sport 10m Good
Klara R
Two harder moves at third quick draw.

7b+ Ringetour — 2 attempts - with Fabian Michel Sport 15m Very Good
Klara R
Has long bouldery moves, but very nice line!

Beta for reference: At the third QuickDraw go left and traverse right under the roof. At the forth QuickDraw first put left foot and very big jug foothold before going to the left hold. Above that go with right into medium good hold, then turn in a bit and reach high up with left hand to good hold above

6c+ Susi - with Fabian Michel Sport 22m Very Good
Klara R
Nice warm up route.

7a+ Fischdose P1 - with Klara R
1 7a+ 20m Sport
Sport 20m, 15 Classic
Fabian Michel
Had to take one break in the upper part after the roof which is not so easy to read. Really nice route on very good rock (except for the flake in the middle, which does still have some loose pieces).

Thu 20th Jul 2023 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
7 Shebel Sheik Sport 25m, 9 Classic
Jonas Eberhard
Nur bis zum ersten Umlenker

Mon 3rd Jul 2023 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7+ Tollwood Sport 20m, 10 Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Nur den Einstieg oben auf Via Angela ausgewichen

Fri 30th Jun 2023 - Geisterschmiedwand
8b ~8a+ Steel Monkey Sport 25m
Andrea Ebner
Thu 22nd Jun 2023 - Geisterschmiedwand
7a Krabbelstube - with Sebastian Fuchs Sport 37m, 18
Jelle Staleman
1e lengte on sight, 2e lengte niet geprobeerd

Thu 15th Jun 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Ökosystem
6b+ Listo - with Emil Sport 32m Very Good
Accidently climbed to the anchor, wanted to do Möwe Jonathan

Thu 15th Jun 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
6+ Via Kubert Sport 18m Good
little bit scary exit

Tue 13th Jun 2023 - Morsbach
Rechter Teil
7- ~7+ Love-Story Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Ist mit 6b+ angeschrieben. Es ist eine Starke Fußtechnik auf kleinen Griffen und Tritten gefragt zuerst ein Quergang der in einer glatten aber schönen Verschneidung endet.

Tue 13th Jun 2023 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
6+ Spinn I Sport 20m, 7 Good
Martin Jurreit
Einstieg bis über den Bauch 6a dann leichter.

Tue 13th Jun 2023 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
7 Idefix — 3 attempts Sport Very Good
Martin Jurreit

6a+ Miraculix Sport 20m Very Good
Martin Jurreit
Schwere Einzelstelle

Wed 31st May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Il piccolo Orso unten
7+ ~8 Falkenschrei - with Klara R Sport 32m
Caroline de Groot
Very strange climbing, not enjoyable at all! The crux is some kind of strange mantle, which I couldn't figure out! Also, climbing this route in the sun is not recommended. It has become quite polished.

Wed 31st May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Nonplusultra
9+/10- Nonplusultra Sport 25m Average
Fabian Michel
Wanted to climb it, but it was getting too dark. Apparently not as amazing as the guide book would have you believe. Chossy in parts. The whole sector would benefit from more people climbing.

Wed 31st May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Il piccolo Orso unten
7+ ~8 Falkenschrei - with Caroline de Groot Sport 32m Don't Bother
Klara R
It is very weird, the move above the sling we could not do. It was also sunny and we definitely could not use slopers very well. But I don't think it is 7+ and I it is the worst warm up ever.

Wed 31st May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
8- Die Schlinge - with Caroline de Groot Sport 20m Very Good
Klara R
Nice warm up route

9- Zauberlehrling — 3 attempts - with Caroline de Groot Sport 20m Classic
Klara R
New beta: take the right lower foothold then go to sidepull which is below the chalked one (and it has a hole on the left to use as a pinch. Then left foot to the top foothold right foot very far right (to the upper good foothold. Then go up to the good ledge (all the way up. Then traverse to the right to restposition on good feet and crimp. Rest a long long time. Then left hand to Gaston, right hand to Gaston. Left foot far left. Right foot up. Go to finger hole. Right foot up, left foot left. Take intermediate on the right left foot higher. Then right hand all the way up into double finger hole (the upper right part). Left hand matches into gold hole. Clip. Right foot right but stay down. Right hand to the good sidepull on the right. Left foot to turn in to the right (left side at the wall). Then left hand takes intermediate and crimp on the left. Clip (QuickDraw has to be a bit longer). Right hand into jug sidepull. Left foot high up to turn in to the right again. Left hand to hold in the middle, right foot far to the right. Right hand to hold on the right (not super good). Left foot up to the inner foothold right foot very high up. A bit dynamic to top jug.

Sat 20th May 2023 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
5 Hard Schmakofaz — 2 attempts - with Diana Sport 20m, 7
Pretty hard for the grade. Went too far left on the first attempt.

Sun 14th May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
9- Hard Zauberlehrling — 2 attempts - with Frithjof Winkelmann, Klara R Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Was definitely too hard for a flash as first route of the day, then tried it again at the end of the day, but didn't have enough power left.

Sun 14th May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Fred vom Jupiter
9+ Easy Drunk as a Skunk — 3 attempts - with Frithjof Winkelmann Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
One try for putting in the quickdraws and figuring out the top. Should have sent it during my first redpoint go, but I fell in the very last move of the route, to the jug next to the anchor. Had skipped the last two quickdraws, so I probably took the biggest whipper I've taken so far (10+ meters), but the route is so overhanging in the lower part that I just fell into air and didn't even touch the wall. Couldn't climb the first crux in my last try.

Beta for the top part: after resting, stay low and take a pinch with the left, put left foot up and out to the left on good hold, right hand gaston, right foot up and far to the right, left hand undercling, right hand to crimp, clip. Then move up and left and don't forget the one place where the otherwise bad ledge to the left is actually good. Right hand up in sidepull crimp, left hand just next to it on large sloping hold. Either clip or skip last two quickdraws. Left drop knee and left hand up to pinch, right hand intermediate, right foot up, turn right hip inwards, bump right hand to better hold. Left hand not to bad pinch on edge but further to the left into small pocket (would have sent with this beta most probably, but only realized that it was easier afterwards), again right foot up and hip inwards, right hand to pinch, feet up and left hand into jug above pinch.

9 Vatertag — 3 attempts - with Fabian Michel Sport 20m Mega Classic
Frithjof Winkelmann
Dont know why I didn't climb it second go, third go felt really desperate, but somehow worked out. Probably the best of the routes I have climbed in this sector yet! Older guidebooks rate this at 9+/7c+, but 9/7c feels more appropriate.

Sun 7th May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Fred vom Jupiter
9- Schmalzlauser — 6 attempts - with Frithjof Winkelmann Sport 15m Very Good
Fabian Michel
I thought I was going to send it 2nd try, took 6 tries instead.

9+ Easy Drunk as a Skunk - with Frithjof Winkelmann Sport 20m Classic
Fabian Michel
Beta: 1st crux: take good sidecling as a gaston to reach up to good flake, match flake on top, right drop knee, take lower right end of the next hold, left heelhook and with left hand into crimp. 2nd crux: left hand good pocket, right hand undercling, left hand sloper, shuffle feet and reach up right to relatively good incut crimp. Cut feet, right foot far up right, left foot hanging, match hold, dynamically up to good pocket with left (then still some not so easy moves to good hole on left). Definitely check out the last vertical part again - it's not so easy.

Sun 7th May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
8- Die Schlinge - with Frithjof Winkelmann Sport 20m Very Good
Fabian Michel
Nice but very polished

8- Die Schlinge - with Caroline de Groot Sport 20m Very Good
Klara R
Good warum for next time. Fell on the very last hard move. Don't forget the small foothold that is very central but high for right foot. After using the very far right black foothold.

9- Zauberlehrling — 3 attempts - with Caroline de Groot Sport 20m Classic
Klara R
Very nice route, would be a great first 9- to sent. Pre clip the first bolt because it is a bit scary. Then go right to clip the first bolt. Then down again to rest. Afterwards go left. Left foot to the big slopy hole that is super black. Right foot higher up Right hand to the very end of the vertical ledge then left foot higher up on the left face. And left hand into very good crimpy side pull. With right to little crimp. Left bump into undercling and then go to the jug on the left. Rest. Switch left foot so that it is on the very right of the foothold. Go with left hand into undercling. Then with right into jug (it is more juggy on the right. Right foot onto small foothold on the very right. Left hand matches, clip. Switch feet . Left foot onto good foothold above. Right hand to the very right into the side/slightly underclingy knubby thing. Right foot up and left hand into crumbly ledge. Right hand to good handhold with tickmark. Short rest is possible here. Left foot high up. Turn in. Left hand to big Gaston (shoulder move). Right foot to crazy good big ledge on the right. Left hand matches to Gaston. Left foot to little black knob on the left. Right foot more right onto black little foothold same height roughly as good ledge. Left hand into finger pocket. Right foot high up onto good crumbly ledge handhold from before. Right hand into finger hole further up (thumb goes into the other fingerhole. Match with left into adjacent fingerhole. Turn in so that right side faces the wall. Clip, then right foot to the right, left foot slightly up and right hand bumps into good sidepinch/hold. Left hand goes into next slot above it. Left foot high up. Right foot up and right hand into good side pull. Left hand matches. Right hand into even better side pull above. Left foot high up (turn in so that left outer side faces the wall. Go up with left, left foot needs to go slightly higher on small foothold. Right hand to next chalked handhold which is right next to the lady handhold. Right foot up and more right. Dynamic move to jug. Match and the route is actually over.

Sun 7th May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Il piccolo Orso unten
7- Teamwork - with Caroline de Groot Sport 15m Very Good
Klara R
Nice warm up for the head. But the muscles were not too warm afterwards.

Sun 7th May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Tequila
8- Die Schlinge Sport 20m
Caroline de Groot
Key beta -- Use the upper foothold at the crux, not the lower!

Sun 7th May 2023 - Sparchen
Sektor Fred vom Jupiter
9- Schmalzlauser — 6 attempts - with Fabian Michel Sport 15m Very Good
Frithjof Winkelmann
Cool crux with a crag that I couldnt quite jam in a useful way.

Fri 3rd Mar 2023 - Tomseibeach
7a Springinggal - with aaron Sport 16m, 6 Classic
Gern nass im Ausstieg

6b+ Bad Boys - Good Girls - with aaron Sport 12m, 4 Average

Sun 13th Nov 2022 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
4+ Nobody - with Diana Sport 20m, 7
Good enough feet to do it in approach shoes.

4+ Nobody - with Diana Sport 20m, 7
Saving quickdraws

8- No Excuses - with Diana Sport 15m
Didn't find a convincing beta this time either

Wed 2nd Nov 2022 - Grattenbergl
6+ Riss der Kranken Variante Sport 30m Very Good
Basti Drumherum
Gleich nach dem Abzweig schwerer Zug, danach wieder leichter.

3 Riss der Kranken Sport 25m, 13 Good
Basti Drumherum
Nette Einsteigertour

5- Peter Sport 20m Very Good
Basti Drumherum
Nette Tour, weniger Seilreibung als die Nebenroute

3 Moritz Sport 10m Average
Basti Drumherum
Zustieg für die schöneren Touren oberhalb

5- Da Erka Sport 30m Don't Bother
Basti Drumherum
An sich schön zu klettern, aber weite Hakenabstände

Mon 31st Oct 2022 - Morsbach
Linker Teil
6a+ Miraculix Sport 20m Very Good
Basti Drumherum
Oben schwieriger Aufsteher, unten leichter. Ist der Henkel zum Umlenker links um die Ecke erlaubt?

4+ Via Angela direkt Sport 18m, 7 Good
Basti Drumherum
Am Übergang im ersten Moment etwas undurchsichtig, wenn man den Henkel gefunden hat sehr schön

5 Sanduhr Sport 15m, 6 Classic
Basti Drumherum
Sehr schöne Kletterei, geht super auf

Sun 16th Oct 2022 - Grattenbergl
7 Alptraum - with Alpinlama Sport 27m
Diesmal weggerutscht

Sun 4th Sep 2022 - Morsbach
Mittlerer Teil
6- Direkt zur Terrasse Sport 26m, 8 Very Good
Schöne Kombination mit Dreierweg


Showing 1 - 100 out of 208 ascents.

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