
Ascents in Oceania as Clean by Josephine Roper

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 125 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 10th Feb 2024 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
21 Jaws - with cedric Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
pumpy warmup

Sat 3rd Feb 2024 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
19 Vitez - with Sam Pfeiffer Trad 25m Very Good
Sam learns to crack climb! Took the flake option for this one just for completeness.

19 Sorcerer's Apprentice Sport 10m, 2 Good
discovered this week that I have the most logged ascents at Cathedral (of people I can see anyway) but not the most unique ascents. So set out to climb new routes! This was quite worthwhile for all two moves of it.

Sat 27th Jan 2024 - Kiama
Bombo Quarry Bollocks wall
17 ~18 Drowning In a Sea of Bollocks Trad 19m Very Good
Terrific route, very reminiscent of Frog (but short), but also think it would be 18+ there!

Sun 22nd Oct 2023 - Earlwood
21 Science of Imaginary Solutions - with cedric Sport 8m Very Good
Actually did the end of transfixed/just one fixe which is also a 21 batman start. Felt weirdly spoogy and really battled the first time so gave up and toproped it, not sure if bad day or I just forgot what Earlwood feels like...

Sat 15th Jul 2023 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
19 Jack High - with cedric, ed Sport 20m Very Good
Wed 28th Dec 2022 - Bungonia Gorge
North Wall - Main
19 Hips Don't Lie Sport 25m Good
reccy day. nice sustained climb and although there is much dirt, it's slabby enough to stand around finding the best holds

Sun 11th Dec 2022 - Barrenjoey
19 Long Line of Leanings — 2 attempts Trad 15m Good
bailed at the carrot on lead attempt. gear did not look good afterwards for how badly I was slab climbing. A #4 might be handy. The climbing is good, feels longer than most routes at this crag, but I'm really out of practice at trusting gear in shallow sandy breaks.

20 Hard I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For Trad 22m Very Good
hard! we did as per the book, in left crack for a metre then swing onto face

Sun 27th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
19 Hard Powerbra Rangers — 2 attempts Sport 23m, 8 Very Good
still too scary and reachy for a warmup for me. At least I can do it clean on TR now lol, and the moves are nice

Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
17 Master and the apprentice — 2 attempts - with cédric Mixed trad 45m, 5 Good
Led the crack but was simply not vibing with the traverse, noped my way down. Had no regrets after watching Cédric just barely vibing with the carrot positions afterwards.

Sun 25th Sep 2022 - Mount Alexandra
The First Cave
23 Los Hermanos de la Denitente - with Raphael Falque Sport 10m, 4 Classic
Still clutch, but considering how out of form I am and not remembering the beta exactly, it was definitely easier after having sent it before. Something about not having pressure or overgripping.

Sun 15th May 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
11 Angular Crack Trad 25m Very Good
few laps with UTS teaching day

Sun 8th May 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
17 Flake Crack Trad 53m Mega Classic
warmup. never gets old

Mon 24th Jan 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
20 Daedalus - with Cédric Trad 55m Very Good
Came to do Icarus but it was busy and we didn't have big gear so just teabagged ourselves down here instead. Good fun

Wed 19th Jan 2022 - Ben Lomond
Northern Escarpment Robin's Buttress
18 Rajah (Rajah P1) - with Cédric
1 18 40m
Trad 40m Classic
Also day 1. Lot of fists here for me, thank you Nomad for those practice laps

Mon 17th Jan 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Harlequin Buttress
18 Harlequin - with Cédric Trad 28m Classic
A bit more stuffing around as too much water at Whitewater Wall (lol) or Beowulf, but this was dry. Lead about the first third then decided it wasn't for me, which was good coz I would have shit myself on the finish if I got there! Not an easy slab to be that runout. But definitely doesn't feel like I understand the granite style yet, so maybe it will come.

Sat 15th Jan 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Hazards Cliffs
3 Skyline Traverse Traverse 2000m Classic
Headed back up to the Star Factory and out this way for a nice little round trip.

Thu 13th Jan 2022 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
The Sunny Side Gabriel Buttress
17 Loose Money, Juice Money Trad 25m Very Good
Bit dirtier feeling than Mt Wellington but nice crack systems. Practising few fist jams here, one day I'll be as good as Nat

Sun 9th Jan 2022 - Cape Raoul
16 DC Chimney P1 - with Cédric
1 16 60m
Trad 60m Good
Just P1 then Cédric stepped over to the right anchors and became too entranced with the line of Jihad to continue up chimneys.

18 Jihad - with Cédric Trad 30m Very Good
Lovely pitch

8 Route from Wedding Cake to Cape - with Cédric Trad 300m Very Good
A lot of fun, even though the return became a bit of an epic, too long a story for here.

Fri 31st Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Walk-Down Gully
14 Gently Mine - with Isabel Roper Trad 50m Very Good
Thu 30th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Iliad Buttress
16 The Iliad - with Isabel Roper Trad 87m Classic
Such a good time. The first time I've led P2, going right to the crack is only about the same amount of gear as staying left, but you get to look down the corner at your partner so that's fun

Sat 11th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath Reservoir Dogs
21 Mr Orange - with Cédric
1 20 20m
2 21 18m
Sport 38m, 17 Very Good
Had two goes on the start, but pretty stoked to onsight the rest of P1 as some moves felt very reachy for me and had to try them a few different ways

Sun 17th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
18 The Eternity - with Dick Trad 22m Classic
Sun 17th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Descent Gully Area
11 The Bonatti Crack - with Dick Trad 8m Very Good
Wed 4th Aug 2021 - Earlwood
15 Knox Sport 10m
Mon 2nd Aug 2021 - Earlwood
18 Unnamed Arete Sport 12m Good
think I did a bit of this to clean at the end, quite fun slab moves

Wed 14th Jul 2021 - Earlwood
19 The Count - with Cédric Sport 9m, 3 Very Good
rpt. Such a good climb with real arete moves required

Sun 30th May 2021 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
17 Ozone Action - with Dick Mixed trad 20m, 3 Very Good

Wed 26th May 2021 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
19 Electra - with Timmy Wong Trad 40m Classic
On second it’s only a few minutes of thrutching really Had more trouble changing back to sport mode for the overhanging jugs at the top (a theme of the day)

Mon 24th May 2021 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Major Mitchell Gully Morfydd Wall
15 The Philanthropist - with Timmy Wong Trad 30m Good
I think this is how we got up there? I think it was good?

Wed 19th May 2021 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Gully Organ Pipes Gully Right Side
19 Lemmington - with Timmy Wong Trad 30m Very Good
another bit of feeling like I could slip off the feet at any moment

Wed 19th May 2021 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
20 Tannin Direct - with Timmy Wong Trad 20m Very Good
alas, sometimes it's jugs and no feet. Pulled through it somehow

Sun 25th Apr 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
19 Jack High Sport 20m Very Good
can actually find a sequence which is cool

Sun 25th Apr 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Shock Wall/Fire Bug Mall
17 Fire Bug - with Marco de Jongh
1 17 45m lead by Marco de Jongh
3 17 25m lead by Josephine Roper
4 14 6m lead by Marco de Jongh
Trad 76m Classic
Bit of a slow lead, I might be stronger but the crux gear hasn't got any thicker than last year. Thought I'd given myself more drag than other times so stopped after P3, it's a really cool cave to belay in, shame P4 is so short that it seems a bit pointless.

Sun 11th Apr 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Stateline Gully
19 Touchstone - with Nat Trad 30m Very Good
Great climbing, not in a hurry to lead it though. We only found 2 carrots too

Sun 11th Apr 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
18 TZ Direct Start - with Nat Trad 30m Classic
Mon 8th Mar 2021 - Wolgan Valley
Coke Ovens Cliff
16 Mirrorman P1 - with Dick
1 16 25m
Mixed trad 25m, 4 Good
Just pitch 1, bit harder than it looks from the ground but fun feature.

Mon 15th Feb 2021 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Narrow Neck Crags Herbaceous Gully
16 Tol
1 16 40m
2 16 10m
Trad 50m Classic
A friend recommended belaying under the roof for an awesome scenic spot, and I impulsively decided to just link from the ground to there. For no good reason I thought the roof crack was finger sized and it wouldn't matter that I had to put every larger piece into the 40m of crack before. Alas, it is #3/4 sized and the small gear anchor I found was quite low and awkward. Still a lovely ledge to hang out and eat some lunch. Would do 2 pitches to the roof next time. A little wet deep in the chimney today but nothing we needed to use.

Sun 7th Feb 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Shock Wall/Fire Bug Mall
19 Thruxton - with Cedric Trad 57m Classic
18 Gold Star - with Cedric Trad 58m Very Good
First time trying the second pitch, it would be a fucking classic if it would have a single fucking carrot on the slab!! Tried going up the left crack but unless I'm missing something, that only gives you a piece 2m above the ledge and then you end up 5m right of that before you can place anything else, so it's kinda pointless. In other words I backed off and let Cedric lead it 😭

The steep hanging crack at the top is so awesome though, it was very worthwhile even to second.

Fri 5th Feb 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Stateline Gully
20 Cosmed Trad 10m Very Good
After Cedric sent on my gear, too hot to lead it again

Fri 5th Feb 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
17 Reminscences Trad 40m Very Good
Thought it was quite good actually, fun fist & hand jams, only one or two spots had to remove spiderwebs or dirt

17 Interstate 31 Trad 30m Classic
18 TZ Direct Start Trad 30m Classic
Fri 1st Jan 2021 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
20 Rock Snob Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
eventually worked a way on the left but what I'm doing feels rather nerve wracking over the bolt so dunno if I want to lead it...

Mon 30th Nov 2020 - Earlwood
19 The Count - with Dick Sport 9m, 3 Very Good
14 Cornered - with Isabel Roper, rockmonkey83 Trad 9m Good
purely recording that I had a fun evening encouraging other people onto things. But did climb this one with no shoes and Joe body belaying to clean it

Fri 27th Nov 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Lunch Ledge
14 Darkside - with Chris Mixed trad 110m, 10 Classic
Always a good time.

Sat 21st Nov 2020 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
17 Wacky Tabacci Sport 25m, 8 Classic
when oh when am I gonna learn to wear long sleeves to Cathedral

19 Vitez Direct finish Trad 25m Very Good
Cedric nearly made it without clipping bolts but we'd lent out the 5 at this point

Thu 19th Nov 2020 - Earlwood
15 Cornered Again - with Dick Trad 8m Very Good
Sat 14th Nov 2020 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath The Sunbath
19 Empty Chairs - with Nat Sport 10m, 3 Good
well the thin bit definitely feels 19 when you're pumped as hell from your morning

19 Gimme Shelter - with Nat Sport 35m, 14 Good
Sat 14th Nov 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Megalong Valley Crags The Phoenix
20 The Phoenix - with Natalie - deleting acc Trad 45m Classic
See below... if you don't find an obvious trail turn off, do not go bashing down a gully (that turns out to be one gully to the south, and a jungle) 😅 The actual route is quite clear and we saw all the fixed ropes except the first one mentioned.

Great climbing, because it's a few degrees short of vertical it has some proper finger and toe jamming while still at a moderate grade, which seems rare in the Bluies. And I like hard sections with good stances in between. Thought I was going to lose it a few times with slipping feet, and one stuck cam to clean, but all just worked out somehow.

Think we took single 3-5, double 1-2, triple 0.3 - 0.75.

Mon 5th Oct 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Orca Area
18 Korca - with Natalie - deleting acc Sport 24m, 7 Good
2 laps and took a couple goes to work out the start. haven't pulled on a mono for a while, don't really enjoy it 😬

Mon 5th Oct 2020 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Betty Blue Area
17 Petit Miam Sport 8m, 4 Average
Mon 14th Sep 2020 - Moonarie
Jaffle Wall
17 Captain Goodvibes - with Isabel Roper Trad 25m Good
Sun 16th Aug 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Fluid / Epic Link Up - with Natalie - deleting acc Trad 30m Very Good
Really nice

Sat 8th Aug 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Materialistic Prostitution - with Dick Trad 20m Very Good
14 Shit Heap - with Dick Trad 10m Good
Tue 4th Aug 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 1 - with Dick Trad 12m
14 Faki - with Dick Trad 13m
Sun 2nd Aug 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
15 Iron Butterfly - with Dick Trad 28m Very Good
Fri 31st Jul 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Thor Trad 30m
Tue 28th Jul 2020 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
21 Valkyrie Trad 33m Classic
Found it not that difficult, just need to rest where you can

18 Sticks And Stones Mixed trad 33m, 4 Good
There are always good holds around, especially sidepulls

Sun 19th Jul 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Camerons Crest
17 The Allied Chemical News - with Tom Atkinson Mixed trad 25m, 3 Good
We just kinda soloed the first pitch to the ledge. Glad Tom led this, coz runout reachy face climbing, hoolie doolies

Sun 19th Jul 2020 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
11 Scary Monsters Trad 22m Very Good
17 Interstate 31 Trad 30m Classic
Sun 7th Jun 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
14 Joseph - with Dick, Marco de Jongh Trad 46m Good
Twice coz I’m the cleaning lady today

Sun 31st May 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Solomon Area
16 Genesis P1 - with Marco de Jongh, Natalie - deleting acc
1 16 58m
Trad 58m Very Good
Harder than I remembered, but accidentally sandbagging your friends is a Mt Piddington Tradition

Sun 31st May 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
11 Angular Crack - with Marco de Jongh Trad 25m Very Good
Wed 20th May 2020 - Vaucluse
Rosa Gully Rosa Gully North Side
19 Chicken of the Sea - with Marco de Jongh Sport 25m, 11 Good
pulling on crimps is for me

Sun 17th May 2020 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
19 Vitez Direct finish - with Dick Trad 25m Very Good
Same as last time, left exit, didn't realise I'd done it before but didn't fall this time.

Sun 19th Apr 2020 - Bonnet Bay
21 Kim Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
Tried the lead but a bit scared of the third clip.

23 Between the Lines - with rockmonkey83 Sport 16m, 6 Very Good
Hard, cool. Couldn't do the bit at the top of the arete without touching the other side of the crack for balance, not sure how to do it.

Mon 9th Mar 2020 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Sweet Dreams Walls
14 Sweet Dreams
1 14 20m
2 10 20m
3 13 28m
4 13 25m
5 14 15m
Mixed trad 110m, 20 Classic
Angela's first multi. Hadn't done the trad finish before, it's actually quite fun and engaging (using the left exposed face option at the end).

Sun 27th Oct 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
14 The Phantom - with Natalie - deleting acc Trad 31m Good
What’s a day at Piddo without sandbagging your friends? Unfortunately this climb does not mix with Nat’s tendency to run out face climbing... from the ground I didn’t realise she put nothing in after the second piton....

Tue 24th Sep 2019 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Shock Wall/Fire Bug Mall
16 Gold Star Pitch 1 Trad 30m Very Good
Mon 16th Sep 2019 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Shock Wall/Fire Bug Mall
16 Gold Star Pitch 1 Trad 30m Very Good
Sun 15th Sep 2019 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Walk-Down Gully
16 The Gates of Janus - with Natalie - deleting acc Trad 50m Classic
Sun 25th Aug 2019 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Narrow Neck Crags Southern Crag
13 Cave Climb - with rockmonkey83 Trad 50m Very Good
In my imagination this route was going to be way longer but it was still good. Climbed up the inside of the cave with gear in the front. Outside would be missing the best bit!

Sat 24th Aug 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area New York East (Right) Side
18 Tall Dwarfs Mixed trad 10m, 2 Very Good
Sun 21st Jul 2019 - Watagans
Monkey Face Middle Crag
14 Grunt 'n' Shove Trad 14m
Bailed after finding a #4 isn't big enough to protect it. Jono was not so cautious.

Sun 23rd Jun 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area The Soft Parade The Middle
10 Carrot Cake Sport 8m
Sat 22nd Jun 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
18 Psychopath - with Natalie - deleting acc Trad 28m Very Good
Found this harder than Eternity tbh. Never fought so hard for a clean second.

Sun 2nd Jun 2019 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
17 Flake Crack Trad 53m
Cleaned it after jonno finished the end of p2.

Sun 26th May 2019 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Orca Area
17 Slap & Tickle Sport 14m Very Good
Sustained, cool climbing, will make you better at slopers

Sat 25th May 2019 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Red Riding Hood Area
17 Little Red Riding Hood Direct Mixed trad 30m, 8
Sat 9th Mar 2019 - Gibraltar and Corin Road
Bandito Wall
18 Django the Bastard Trad 12m
Cool to do clean but have no idea how I would lead this without all the gear being in the way of handholds.

Mon 31st Dec 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Mezzaluna Area
16 Mezzaluna Sport 25m, 8
Sun 4th Nov 2018 - Wahroonga
Browns Road Courtyard Area
17 JR Mixed trad 10m, 1 Good
Good moves but like most things here the holds release a fine trickle of sand as you climb and I fear they will not be the same for long.

Sat 27th Oct 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
15 The Carthaginian Trad 33m
Following again, crux was still hard, need better crack techniques.

Sat 27th Oct 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
16 Tombstone Wall Mixed trad 30m, 3 Good
Fun but tricky, especially if you try to go too high on the traverse.

Sat 27th Oct 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
15 The Carthaginian Trad 33m
Following in the morning. Enjoyed it except for the couple of metres with two cracks which was insecure and flail.

Mon 1st Oct 2018 - Alfords Point
Alfords Point Main Area
15 Sideline Jack Sport 14m, 6
Good lead by Bub.

17 Soccer Mum Sport 13m, 5
Sandbagged poor Bub on this coz we thought it was a 14 for some reason.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 125 ascents.

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