
Ascents as Onsight or Onsight solo as trad by amelie

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 131 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 28th May 2017 - Hayes Creek
Trad Gully Sports Plus / Vodka Buttress
14 Where Gnomes Roam - with Pip Tallis Trad 25m
Great, fun climbing...I might come back with a drill to help the decent

Sun 28th May 2017 - Hayes Creek
Trad Gully The Nursery
9 Fairweather Sailor - with Pip Tallis Trad 21m Good
Sat 4th Mar 2017 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
16 Absolutely Fabulous - with Victor Trad 88m Very Good
Nice long pitches, I enjoyed the second pitch more than the first

Sat 4th Mar 2017 - Arapiles
Central Gully Upper Central Gully Garden Wall
16 John Thomas - with Victor Trad 30m Very Good
15 A Weed in the Garden - with Pauly G Trad 26m Good
Fri 3rd Mar 2017 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
11 Agamemnon - with Victor Trad 40m Classic
Fun! Can't believe that I only did this now...

Fri 10th Feb 2017 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Sweet Dreams Walls
14 Sweet Dreams - with Mikie Bob Mixed trad 130m, 20 Classic
What a hoot!! Easy climbing with mega exposure and amazing view.

Sun 3rd Apr 2016 - The Black Range
Black Ian's Rocks
11 Royal Commission - with Mikie Bob Trad 12m Very Good
Sun 6th Mar 2016 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Dunes Buttress
13 Lawrence - with peter luk Trad 100m Good
Sat 5th Mar 2016 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock South Mitre
11 The Bishop - with Peter Luk Trad 50m Very Good
6 Guiding Light - with Peter Luk Trad 60m Very Good
Fri 18th Dec 2015 - Mt Hope
Suicide Rock
18 Niemann Street - with Mikie Bob Mixed trad 30m, 3 Classic
Wed 2nd Dec 2015 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock North Mitre
6 Exodus - with Mikie Bob Trad 36m Classic
11 Penny Dreadful - with Mikie Bob Trad 40m Very Good
Tue 1st Dec 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Vanoise Area
12 Shitty Nappies - with Mikie Bob Trad 15m Average
15 The Venus Trap - with Mikie Bob Trad 15m Good
very nice

15 Agent Orange - with Mikie Bob Trad 25m Classic

15 Agent Orange - with Mikie Bob Trad 25m Classic

12 Shitty Nappies - with Mikie Bob Trad 15m Average
15 The Venus Trap - with Mikie Bob Trad 15m Good
very nice

Sun 29th Nov 2015 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
15 Monitor - with chen Trad 110m Very Good
nice slabbing

Sat 28th Nov 2015 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
9 Conifer Crack - with Leith Trad 80m Very Good
good fun

Sat 31st Oct 2015 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Siren Area
10 Xena - with Leith Trad 110m Average
Wed 1st Jul 2015 - The You Yangs
Rockwell Road North Urinal Wall
17 16 Busting for Relief - with Mikie Bob Mixed trad 12m, 1
So many nice little routes on this wall

Sun 8th Mar 2015 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
20 Fly Lichen Eagle - with Mikie Bob Trad 90m Mega Classic
Awesome line and surprisingly well protected.

Fri 6th Feb 2015 - Mount Buffalo
The Horn Area The Horn
16 The Pintle Left Hand Variant - with Mikie Bob Mixed trad 70m, 1 Classic
Awesome 2nd pitch

Mon 26th Jan 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
9 8 Spiral Staircase - with Andrew Clark Trad 100m Good
MPG Training

Sat 3rd Jan 2015 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
11 The Dribble Trad 120m Very Good
Fri 2nd Jan 2015 - Arapiles
King Rat Area Lizard Procrastination Pinnacle
12 11 Lizard Procrastination Trad 40m Very Good
night climbing

Mon 29th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Voodoo Area New Image Wall
18 Crooked Mile - with Michael Salt Trad 20m Classic

Sat 27th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
16 Deathwatch Beetle - with Michelle Mixed trad 130m, 1 Very Good
Sat 27th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Bushranger Bluff Main Wall
13 Sexless Sue - with Michael Salt Trad 20m
14 Hangman - with Michael Salt Trad 25m
Thu 25th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Heckle and Jeckle Area
13 13 R Rush of Blood - with Michael Salt Trad 18m Very Good
17 Jeckle - with Michael Salt Trad 18m Average
Hard start, then really easy...

Wed 24th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Bluffs John's Pinnacle
18 Shanghai - with Michael Salt Trad 30m Very Good
Nice moves all the way

Wed 24th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Major Mitchell Gully Morfydd Wall
18 Kinkaid (Kincaid) - with Michael Salt Trad 20m Very Good

Tue 23rd Dec 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
13 14 Chameleon Connection - with Michael Salt Trad 110m Very Good

14 Salamander - with Michael Salt Trad 120m Classic
Sun 21st Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Major Mitchell Gully Morfydd Wall
15 The Philanthropist - with Michael Salt Trad 30m Very Good
really enjoyable

Sat 20th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
10 Syrinx - with Sol Trad 170m Classic
Thoroughly enjoyable early morning ramble...

Fri 19th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Major Mitchell Gully Ali's Area
10 Debut - with Michael Salt Trad 80m Good
Sun 7th Dec 2014 - Arapiles
Grotto Wall Area Grotto Wall
15 Boomer - with Charles Trad 42m Good
A couple of nice and interesting bits with easy climbing in between.....pitty about the dodgy loose rock at the end of the first pitch

Tue 25th Nov 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Area Below Tiptoe Ridge
5 Introductory Route Trad 140m Very Good
Good route for guiding

Mon 24th Nov 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Dunes Buttress
10 Eskimo Nell - with Michael Salt Trad 130m Classic
Sun 23rd Nov 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces The Watchtower
9 Arachnus Trad 110m Classic
Sat 22nd Nov 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
12 Panzer Trad 95m Very Good
Fri 21st Nov 2014 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Fang Buttress
16 Kamikaze - with Megan Trad 20m Average
Sat 8th Nov 2014 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Red Riding Hood Area
19 When the Levee Breaks - with Michelle Mixed trad 20m, 4 Classic
Nice moves on awesome pockets

Sat 8th Nov 2014 - Point Perpendicular
Bayside The Yardarm
14 Over the Yardarm - with Michelle Trad 30m Very Good
Sun 2nd Nov 2014 - Point Perpendicular
Thunder Head VB Slab Area
18 One For The Whale - with Michael Salt Trad 25m Classic

Sat 1st Nov 2014 - Point Perpendicular
The Lighthouse Superliner Area
19 Superliner - with Henrique Mendonca Mixed trad 35m, 7 Very Good
Sat 1st Nov 2014 - Point Perpendicular
Bayside Werner Burner Area
18 Horn Blown - with Michael Salt Trad 30m Very Good
Sat 1st Nov 2014 - Point Perpendicular
Seaside Windjammer Wall
17 Grey Mist - with Michael Salt, Pauly G Trad 30m Mega Classic
First climb at Point Perp: Great fun with whales in the background

16 Man Overboard - with Michael Salt, Pauly G Trad 26m Good
Mon 27th Oct 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
14 Gecko - with Michael Salt Trad 48m Very Good
Easy evening speed climb to get Scott's stuck abseil rope

Thu 9th Oct 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
9 The Eighth Trad 99m Very Good
Sun 5th Oct 2014 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Main Boardwalk
16 Hannibal - with Michael Salt Trad 24m Good
Thu 25th Sep 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
16 Skylark - with Michael Salt Trad 85m Good
One cruxy move, rest really easy.

Mon 22nd Sep 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
20 20 R Gollum - with Michael Salt Trad 60m Classic
Thu 18th Sep 2014 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock North Mitre
17 Edgell Gerber Memorial Flake Climb Trad 30m Good
18 Salem Trad 40m Classic
Thu 4th Sep 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
14 Shaggy's Route - with Victor Macko Trad 110m Good
Fri 22nd Aug 2014 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Main Boardwalk
17 16 Pet of Demetrius - with Michael Salt Mixed trad 20m, 2 Very Good
Fun...step around the corner is quite interesting

Mon 7th Jul 2014 - Arapiles
Bluffs Bluff Major Blockbuster Ledge
20 Quo Vadis - with Michael Salt Mixed trad 33m, 1 Mega Classic
Yeah...I have been looking at this line since my first time at Arapiles when I started climbing....Awesome!

Fri 4th Jul 2014 - Arapiles
Far North Lower Curtain Wall
19 Sideshow - with Michael Salt Trad 35m Very Good
18 Entertainer - with Michael Salt Trad 20m Mega Classic
Wow! Awesome climbing with easy and bomber gear all the way....

Thu 3rd Jul 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
18 Jens Roof - with Michael Salt Mixed trad 30m, 1 Very Good
Wed 2nd Jul 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Charity Buttress
12 Zorro - with Michael Salt Trad 12m Good
14 Loyalty - with Michael Salt Trad 18m Very Good
Tue 1st Jul 2014 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock Hells Bells Area
14 When Kim Was a Girl's Name - with Michael Salt Trad 12m Very Good
16 Altar Boy - with Michael Salt Trad 11m Very Good
Sat 14th Jun 2014 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Main Boardwalk
18 Golgotha - with Michael Salt Trad 30m Very Good
Way more enjoyable than people make it sound....

Sat 7th Jun 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Stoat Wall
18 The Stoat Steps Out - with Michael Salt Trad 8m Very Good
So much fun in such a little climb!

Sat 7th Jun 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Coyote Wall
17 Golliwogs Cakewalk - with Michael Salt Trad 40m Very Good

Fri 23rd May 2014 - Arapiles
Bluffs John's Pinnacle
18 Shalimar - with Mikie Bob Trad 31m Good
Nice route which unfortunately gets really easy after the initial few moves.

Fri 25th Apr 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Left Watchtower Face
14 14 R Hot Flap Mixed trad 170m, 3 Classic
Enjoyable from start to finish...

Thu 24th Apr 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Uncle Charlie
16 Coming on Chris Trad 25m Classic
Fun little route

Thu 24th Apr 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
18 17 Oceanoid Trad 75m Mega Classic

Wed 23rd Apr 2014 - Arapiles
Voodoo Area Looking Glass Wall
16 Menage a Trois - with Michael Salt Trad 23m Very Good
Tue 22nd Apr 2014 - Arapiles
Northern Group Echo Crag
14 Touchstone - with Michael Salt Trad 60m Very Good
Sat 5th Apr 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Left Watchtower Face
18 Creon - Tales of Brave Ulysses Trad 110m Classic
Another awesome climb on the left watchtower face! Varied and interesting climbing.which makes you smile all the way up DonĀ“t try getting all the way to the top with the second pitch on a 60m rope...

Mon 10th Mar 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Left Watchtower Face
12 Watchtower Chimney Mixed trad 110m, 1 Classic

Sun 9th Mar 2014 - Arapiles
Far North Vandal Area
17 Vandal Trad 45m Average
Two really nice pitches, followed by what I think was the worst pitch I have ever done.

Sat 8th Mar 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
18 Omaha Beach - with Michael Salt Mixed trad 80m, 1 Very Good
Tricky start.... 2nd pitch is a beauty!

Wed 19th Feb 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
14 Tremulo Trad 25m Good
Sun 16th Feb 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Gully Organ Pipes Gully Right Side
16 Stentor 3rd Pitch (Stentor) - with Michael Salt Trad 12m Very Good
Nice little climb

Sun 16th Feb 2014 - Arapiles
Castle Crag
17 Swinging - with Michael Salt Mixed trad 20m, 2 Classic
Tue 11th Feb 2014 - Eastern MacDonnells
Trephina Gorge East Side
17 Cafe Negro - with Michael Salt Trad 15m Very Good
14 Cafe Blanca - with Michael Salt Trad 15m Good
Sat 8th Feb 2014 - Western MacDonnells
Ormiston Gorge Ormiston Bluff
17 Tranquility - with Michael Salt Trad 18m Very Good

Mon 30th Dec 2013 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Tiptoe Ridge Area
5 Tiptoe Ridge - with Michael Salt; Elisa Trad 120m Mega Classic

Sun 29th Dec 2013 - Arapiles
Bushranger Bluff Back Wall
6 Trooper Three - with Elisa Trad 10m Good
7 Dead Ned - with Elisa Trad 10m Good
3 Trooper - with Elisa Trad 10m Good
Sat 30th Nov 2013 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Left Fork
18 I'm A Little Dinosaur - with Michael Salt Trad 25m Very Good
Awesome start...really easy jugs after that. LOVE the dinosaurs!!!

Sun 3rd Nov 2013 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
15 Resignation Trad 96m Classic
Sat 2nd Nov 2013 - Arapiles
Bard Buttress
12 Bard Trad 120m Very Good
Nice and cruisy.

Sun 30th Jun 2013 - Arapiles
Bard Buttress
18 Eurydice Mixed trad 65m, 2 Mega Classic

Sat 29th Jun 2013 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
16 Watchtower Crack Mixed trad 95m, 3 Good
Good climb, but the exciting parts are over way too quick.... a lot easier than it looks!


Showing 1 - 100 out of 131 ascents.